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About the author


Lora February is a Tallinn artist, designer and florist.

She is a member of the Estonian International Union of Artists and the Professional Union of Artists in Russia.

Lora holds the Queen of Art title that she received in Tunisia in 2019 at the international festival of beauty and fashion.


Новинка! Мастер-класс по росписи стеклянной вазы

Мастер-класс по росписи стеклянной вазы витражными красками.Все материалы, включая вазу, предоставляются на месте.Работаем красками, не требующими запекания в печи. Окончательное высыхание происходит за 24 часа, но вы сразу сможете забрать расписанную вазу с собой и ...

New! Glass vase painting workshop

You will learn the technique of stained glass painting. All materials, including the vase, are provided on site. We work with paints that do not require baking in the oven. Final drying takes 24 hours. The master class is held as the group is recruited, you can...